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Chapter - 16

Chapter 16:...

It was now 1:30 and me and Kyle were in the kitchen and i wanted to know why Kyle asked me to marry him beacuse i know im his mate but cant you refuse your mate if you were human and had a boyfriend or if you had a kid and were truley in love how would you live beacuse i know i would never ever stop loving Kyle for the rest of my life so if one day he said to me ive found someone else im sorry i would let him go just to make him happy but i wouldnt stop loving him for a second and i wouldnt look for anyone else as i know i wouldnt be able to.

"Kyle why did you ask me to marry you?" I turned around as i talked as i didnt want Kyle to see my curiosity on my face.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you why would you ask that you could have said no i wasnt stopping you i gave you a choice if your having second thoughts just tell me" I stood there shocke and dumbfounded and as i was in that state for quiet a while i think Kyle thought i was having second thoughts.

"Its ok then ill just wait we'll wait until the right time just tell me next time instead of saying yes then no"I heard footsteps and then i saw Kyle walking up the stairs so i sighed and made my way slowly up stairs and into our room and changed and went to look for Kyle so i checked downstairs he wasnt there so i went upstairs and went into the gym room and he was sweating doing weights.

I had an idear to see how powerful i was so i looked at the bar and imagened it being lifted out of Kyles hands into the air so i concentrated and the bar went up and Kyle looked up confused and then he looked at me shocked and concerned as i had pain on my face as it was heavy and i flt myself losing it so Kyle jumped up and grabbed the bar and i slowly released it and he put it down and walked up to me and stood infront of me.

"That was amazing but please try something lighter next time wouldnt want you to break a sweat would we" Kyle had a mean voice on but i could hear the plea of pain saying it to me.

"I want to marry you i just wanted to ask if its what you wanted and if you would want to be tied down to me for the rest of your life but its ok if you dont its obviouse and i going home i dont belong here im not a werewolf like you you should have a normal werewolf mate who loves you so much and it kills me to leave but its obvious" I lent up and kissed Kyle on the cheeck and a few tears escaped and he reached his hands out and touched my face and i smiled at him threw glassy eyes.

"Goodybe ill get my stuff tomorrow" I went to turn around but Kyle grabbed my hands and span me back around and he shooc his head no with tears in his eyes and i looked him in the eyes and imaging him sleeping and he blinked a couple of times then fell to the ground and i rushed out of the house just grabbing my bag and i jumped in my car and sped of to Courtneys house.

I jumped out of thr car and banged on Courtneys door and when she opened and saw me she pulled me in for a hug and i sobbed into her shoulder and explained everything to her and she had an angry look and i had only noticed then we were sat on the sofa and tears were still coming from my eyes.

"Stay here for as long as you want and i have something to tell you well i met someone and hes a werewolf and i know im his mate and we met a while ago and we're in love and im pregnant his names Max" I looked at her in shock and then a boy around 19 came out and sat next to Courtney and put his arm around her and rested it on her stomach so i squealed and ran over to her and hugged her.

"Omg im so happy for you both and im Tasha what pack are you in" I looked at the boy and he chuckled.

"Well im Kyle Roberts younger brother hes the Alpha of the pack do you know him?" I looked at him in shock and when i studied him he did look a lot lik e Kyle did and i gasped and thats when Courtney spoke up.

"Oh i didnt know that but Tasha is Kyles mate" He looked shocked then smiled at me and i gave him a little smile back and he came over and hugged me.

"Courtney ill go to my room here if thats ok?" She nodded and i gave a quick goodbye and i know your wondering why i would have a room at Courtneys well when my parents go on trips for work i spent most of my time here and we just said i could have a room so we both did it up together.

I got under the covers of he bed and snuggled depper into them feeling lonley and cold whitout Kyle and i forgot i didnt have the rose with me to talk to Natasha and ill get it tomorrow.

When i woke up i felt refreshed and still empty but i brushed it of and go change and added some makeup and walked down the stairs and the lights were still of so i checked my phone as i had my bag on and it said 6:34 and i put it back in my bag and went into the kitchen and made myself some cereal and i washed the bowl up after and headed out and into my car were i drove to Kyles.

When i got to Kyles i got out and went in and the lights were off so i walked up the stairs managing to not trip and i waled down the hall and slowly opened Kyles door and when i did i gasped beacuse the furniture was everywere and i had to walk over to the wardrobe and pulled my suitcase out and got all my stuff from the wardrobe and bathroom and i had my 3 bags and when i turned around Zack was there.

"I came to get my stuff and go to a friends ill be back" Zack didnt look convinced and he raised an eyebrow at my bags.

"Im getting a new wardrobe for a new me so im sending it to the charity shop so i just want to go without questions so can i just wake Kyle up and tell him" Zack nodded as i had put a powerful edge to my voice and i guess its beacuse im Alpha female.

I crept round to my side of the bed and picked up the rose i needed and put it into my bag and i looked over to Kyle and he was tossing and turning so i took the ring off of my finger and put it on his nightstand and i got a piece of paper and wrote three single words 'Im so sorry'.

I got all of my stuff and put it into the boot of my car and then i felt ligt headed and i knew what was happening to me and i went willingly.

Tashas Dream...

I felt mysef falling and fallng until i was back in the forest and Natasha brushing her hair looking at me so i smiled and she smiled a big smile.

"Well i cant stay forever but you have learned some of your powers and on your own so now i must go and let you find the quest by yourslef and ill tell you something your biggest quest wasnt Kyles dad you still have to face it and there will be death Love and betrayly youll have to face and find that yourself but whn you do youll have mastered your powers but will you have your mate by your side and when you wake up youll have a mark on your wrist and that will show ever supernatural creature who you are but some will follow and some will go agasnt you and fight to kill you beacuse you are the most powerful creature in this planet now go learn" I was shocked and confused as Kyles dad wasnt our biggest quest.

End of Dream...

I woke up to find myslef on something comfy so i looked around and i was in Kyles house and when i looked up i met baby blue eyes and he looked concerned and i smiled a small smile and he tried but still looked concerned.

"You were going to leave me and i know what just happned to you i remeber you telling me but why did you want to leave" I looked down again and he put hs fingers under my chin and lifted it up so my face was looking at him.

"You sounded like you wanted me to go and i just wanted to know and i want to marry you i do so much" Kyle smiled and kissed me on the lips and i eagerly responded.

"Whoah why didnt you tell me that you had a brother and that hes courtneys mate and that shes pregnant with his kid" Kyle looked shocked then happy he retrevied his phone from his pocket and it sounded like it was his brother and the hhe ole time Kyle was holding my hand and i felt whole and happy again.

"Ok come over whenever and bro i miss you" Kyle said that down the phone and it brought a smile to my face seeing hi happy and he and his brother so close to each other i wish i could of had a sister or brother.

"Yeah bye" I smiled up at Kyle and he smiled down to me and i laughed a him as he was smiling like a chesshire dog.

"Im not going to stay at Courtneys anymore but im going to go home see when my parents are back and spend some time with them come with me they love you please" I put on the puppy dog eyes and everything and he laughed and nodded and we both got up and i jumped for Kyles keys before he could get to them and laughed and i sped out of the house with him on my trail and i made it to the car door before hands came around my waist and i felt the familuar sparks go threw my body every time Kyle even so much brushed his arm with mine.

"No you dont princess my car" Kyle whispered in my ear and i shivered from the sparks flowing threw me.

I turned around in his arm and put on the puppy fac the eyes and a pout that i knew he couldnt resist but say yes to and he looked away but i turned with him and he nodded and i squealed and kisses him on the lips unti i was out of breath from it.

I jumped into the passenger seat but i locked all of the doors when i got in and i had the best idear ever to do.

In Heads....

Me: Kylee please go in wolf to my house and i want to see if i can beat you pweassse for me.

Kyle: Ok for you but i know ill beat you im a werewolf plus Alpha darling.


Kyle ran into the woods and i saw two baby blue eyes looking at me and i smirked then nodded and they were gone and then i had an idear i pictured in my head that wanted to be round the back of my house near the forests then a spell came to my mind and i started mumbling it and i started to fall until when i opened my eyes i was standing in my backyard with just my bag no car.

"Oh yeah beat that sucker i dont have to be a werewolf to kick your ass" I sat down waiting for Kyle and a few seconds later i saw the familar blue eyes and when they spotted me i smirked and he looked confused.

"Come out in wolf form no ones here and ill explain comme baby" Kyle looked around then came out and when he did i gasped at how beautiful he was he was big and blck and if you looked close enough you could see a faint hint of blue and he did a wolfy laugh and walked over to me and i strokedhis fur and he lied down and rested his head on my lap.

"Well instead of driving i imagned myself here and a spell came into my head but im scared i cant control this i have to say the spell if i think of something thats bad i will get a spell if there is one and i cant still control myself what if i hurt someone what if i hurt you" Kyle gave of a little bark and i figured it was meant to be a dont think that it wont happen i wont let it happen.

I hear the front door knock and Kyle jumped up and went back into the woos and i stood up and wiped my eyes and picked a few roses my mum used to grow when she was home and it looked like i was picking flowers.

I went round to the front of the house and there were 2 officers at the door and i frowend and sped up and when i got close to the door the officers looked at me and took of there hats.

"Are you Ms Natasha M?" I nodded and they contiued.

"Well im sorry to say but your parents were shot dead on the border of India i so sorry and we're investigating te situation but so far we have nothing but we will get into contact with you im sorry bye" I stood there stiff in my spot while the oficers went off and back into there car and thats when Kyle appeared and i guess he heard what they said beacuse he put his arm around me and pullled me into his chest while i sobbed my heart out.
